Thursday, December 22, 2011

Mini swingset from math group.


Metaphor - a comparison between two things which are not literally connected.

Exp. - Mr. Berkey is a sleeping dog unable to move for anything but food.

I miss the kids AND we were shorted many dead animals in our dissection kit. An all-out investigation is currently underway. How are your times tables? Are you staying busy?

I'll check in again. Enjoy the solstice!

Mr. B

Friday, December 9, 2011

Catching Up The Blog

I've gotten behind in the blog lately. The kids have written some blog posts, and I will do my best to add them this weekend. Ever since conferences I feel like I'm running just to keep up with my sleep.

I never got last week's newsletter posted online. Since I had included instructions for the family project, I had kids all take home a paper copy so they would have instructions to keep. I will include last week's newsletter with this one so everyone has access to both.

I will send home electronic newsletters for those who receive them as soon as I am finished posting today's newsletter to the blog. The field trip was fantastic today. 100% of the kids went, and 100% of the kids did an excellent job of meeting every one of my expectations. We've come a long way, and I'm proud of this group.

Take Care Out There-

Mr. B

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Arias and Emily N.'s blog post

Arias and Emily N.’s News


Today in Mr.Berkey’s math group, we all were working on the last parts of the playground equipment that we hot glued. We will also move on to division real soon. Hooray for quotients !


During reading we went over our tall tales and Mr. Berkey took kids in the hall to go over their tall tales and how they can improve.


Mr. Berkey read George’s Cosmic Treasure Hunt while we, the class, made our new homework journals. In the book, George’s Cosmic Treasure Hunt, we discovered the reason that equations were made. We found out a man made an equation of the variable, N. What he was using it for was since N represents the amount of stars born each year in the milky way that’s why he used it. So that means equations in this example make things much easier.Thank you for that equations.Your a big help. Also this week on the blog me,Arias,has moved from D.L.E s to the blog for the first time ever ! Can you believe that ?


And Mr. Berkey is going to be bringing in lots of animals to dissect, but we don’t quite know exactly when they will be coming in.
Next week news:

Next week December 9th we will be going to the Nutcracker. We will be watching our friend, Kate, perform.

Other that that it has been a great week!!

- Emily N. & Arias

Friday, December 2, 2011

Email Address

If you need my personal email for ANY reason, you can contact me at!